Children's book illustration showing a stern mother with hands on hips having words with her children who are on the bed, having been caught being naughty. Pencil linework and watercolor and pastel colors illustrated digitally.
Pencil and watercolor digital illustration of a frog and squirrels in the woods
A family of frogs play around their hollow log home
Bedtime craziness with twin boys and a girl plus two dogs driving Mom nuts!
Two twin boys and their slightly older sister sitting up in bed with nervous expressions. A children's book illustration with pencil linework and watercolor and pastel colors illustrated digitally.
Three children, twin boys and a girl, being admonished by mom. The children are sitting up in a large bed while mom stands beside the bed wagging her finger at them. Pencil linework and watercolor and pastel colors illustrated digitally.
Character design of a peacock for a children's book. Pencil linework with pastel and watercolor colors, created digitally in Procreate on the iPad Pro.
Character design of a moose for a children's book. Pencil linework with charcoal, watercolor and spatter colors, created digitally in Procreate on the iPad Pro.
Some digital pencil sketch character development